Internet Marketing

10.5 Ways to Repurpose Your Podcast Content

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When it comes to creating content, one of the best things you can do is repurpose your existing material. This not only saves you time, but also allows you to reach a wider audience. And if you have a podcast, there are plenty of ways to repurpose your episodes.

Here are 10.5 ways to repurpose your podcast:


  1. Create a Blog Post

If you have a blog, then you can easily turn your podcast episodes into blog posts. Simply have each episode transcribed or write a summary of the main points, and then add a link to the episode so people can listen. This is a great way to reach people who prefer to read rather than listen.

I use to transcribe my Podcast into text.


  1. Create an Infographic

If your podcast episode contains a lot of data or information, then you can turn it into an infographic. This is a great way to visually represent your data and make it more shareable. You can hire a designer ( to create an infographic for you or use a free online tool like Canva.

Link this infographic back to your podcast page to get more listeners.


  1. Create a Video

You can also turn your podcast episodes into videos. This is especially useful if your target audience is on YouTube or if you want to create more engaging content. You can simply record yourself speaking the episode or add visuals and images to accompany your audio.

YouTube and Instagram won’t allow you to upload audio files but you can use to take an MP3 of a podcast and add images, animation and captions. This video can then be uploaded to or split up into ‘chunks’ and used on Instagram.

I then link back to my podcast page where I also capture email addresses for my list.


  1. Create an eBook

If you have a series of podcast episodes on the same topic, then you can turn them into an ebook. This is a great way to share your knowledge on a particular topic and reach people who prefer to read books over listen to podcasts.

You can either use a service such as to transcribe the episodes or write new chapters based on the topics covered.


  1. Create AudioGrams

According to the New York Public Radio WNYC, the average engagement for an audiogram posted on Twitter is 8 times higher than a non-audiogram tweet. And Facebook posts with audiograms outperform posts with photos by a whopping 83%. a great audio recorder / editor and way of making shorter AudioGrams, which is simply a short video version of an audio file. A section of your podcast audio is paired with an interesting image and the animation of a soundwave that’s triggered when someone hits play.

Link back to your podcast so they can hear the entire episode and subscribe to your email list.


  1. Create Show Notes

You can have someone on take notes from your show, and then post those notes with your podcast as well as on social media and your blog to entice people to listen to the entire episode.

  1. Livestream a Q&A for Each Episode

While you could livestream your actual podcast on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn, I realized most people will not be comfortable doing this.

But an easier alternative is to livestream a Q&A a few days after your podcast as a separate live stream. You’re giving listeners a few days to listen to the podcast and then you’ll jump on the livestream, do a quick synopsis of what was covered in the podcast just to remind people, and then take questions.

You can get a transcript of this Q&A, clean it up and post it with the transcript of your podcast. Or add it to your ebook, turn it into AudioGrams and more.


  1. Social Media Images

You can pull out the best quotes from the podcast and create images for social media. This works even better if you have a guest on the show. Take a few of their wise thoughts and create a quote graphic.

To start a conversation on social media, frame the quotes as questions. People love to give their opinion and the more you get them engaged, the more likely they will become a podcast listener.


  1. Create a Newsletter

If you’re already getting the transcripts of your shows, you could also take the highlights of each show and turn it into a newsletter.

This newsletter will be one more reason for people to join your email list, as well as an incentive for them to go back and listen to the entire podcast.


  1. Mine Content from Older Shows

If you’ve been podcasting for a long time, you might have hundreds of shows in your vault that are seldom being listened to anymore.

You could have your virtual assistant go through the shows and pull out clips that are still relevant. Let’s say you have 100 old shows and your VA pulls out 10 clips from each one. These clips might be tips, tricks, insider info and so forth. They’re valuable and your audience would love to hear them again.

100 shows and 10 clips a show is 1,000 clips. Now what will you do with these?

You can use them as email content or blog content. You could package them into a book or course. You could have a new segment on your podcast where you play one or two of these clips. You can make audio grams and social media images. Or you could build an entirely new show around the older clips.

Really, anything you can do with your current podcast, you can also do with the old ones as long as they’re not outdated.

Do you have a few dozen or more shows you’ve already done? Then you’re probably sitting on a goldmine if you’re willing to put in the effort to get that gold.


10.5 Don’t Do Any of This Yourself

If all of this sounds great but it also sounds like too much work, you can always hire a company such as to do it for you.

They’ll turn your podcasts into written blog articles and viral social media clips for a price. They have ‘real humans writing real articles from your podcast’ and they ‘look for the most viral-worthy parts and make clips for social media.’


And there you have it, 10.5 ways to repurpose your podcast.

Which ones will you try?