What Trashy Women’s Magazines Teach Us About List Building

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In the world of digital marketing, building an email list remains one of the most effective ways to convert interested prospects into paying customers.

Once someone is on your email list, you can build rapport with them, demonstrate your credibility and sooner or later (hopefully) convert them into a paying customer.

However, getting people onto your list in the first place is the real challenge.

If only you could crack a whip and shout, “Get on my list, darn it!” Hehe. But prospects aren’t circus lions, so instead of a whip we need a really, really tasty carrot. In fact, we need to offer a bribe that is so enticing, they can’t help but say, ‘YES!’

Traditionally, marketers have used lead magnets—like free eBooks or PDFs—in exchange for email addresses. That worked like gangbusters 20 years ago, but these days people are wise. They know that PDF is going to sit on their device without getting read, so why download it in the first place.

That’s why we need a new strategy, and the inspiration for this strategy comes from something found in women’s magazines of the past 50 years – Quizzes.

If you’re a woman, you’ve probably taken these quizzes. If you’re a man, you’ve probably heard about them from your lady friends. The titles are usually something like…

  • “What’s Your Secret Seduction Style?”
  • “How Adventurous Are You in the Bedroom?”
  • “Are You a Subtle Tease or a Bold Flirt?”
  • “Which Famous Movie Kiss Describes Your Love Life?”
  • “Are You and Your Partner Truly Compatible?”
  • “What’s Your Love Language?”
  • “Is Your Relationship Built to Last?”
  • “How Strong Is the Trust in Your Relationship?”

The magazine quizzes are short, entertaining and sometimes even revealing. And most importantly, they’re so compelling that few people can resist reading and answering the first question… and then the second… and before they know it they’ve totaled their score and they’re searching for their result on the next page.

Why Quizzes Outperform Traditional Lead Magnets

As you know, the goal of any lead magnet is to entice potential customers to share their email addresses with you. And while offering a free download (such as an ebook) used to be the best strategy, these days quizzes are significantly more effective.

The average conversion rate for written lead magnets, like eBooks or PDFs, hovers around 22.8%. But quizzes? They convert at an impressive 40%! That’s nearly double the conversion rate, meaning you can add nearly twice as many leads to your email list by making a simple switch to quizzes.

Why are quizzes so effective? It’s all about engagement. Quizzes are interactive, fun, and offer instant feedback, which makes them far more appealing than static downloads. People love discovering more about themselves, whether it’s finding out which product is right for them, what type of business owner they are, or even how well they know a particular topic. This curiosity drives higher engagement and, in turn, more conversions.

How to Create a Quiz Without the Headache

Creating a quiz might sound daunting, but thanks to AI tools, the process has become much easier. Platforms like Try Interact’s new AI Quiz Builder make it simple. https://www.tryinteract.com/

All you need to do is fill in some basic information about your business, and the AI takes care of the rest. The quiz can then be embedded directly onto your website, ready to capture leads.

Once your quiz is up and running, you can drive traffic to it through various channels, such as social media, email campaigns, or even paid ads. Because quizzes are inherently shareable, you may find that people spread them organically, further boosting your reach.

The Power of Personalization

One of the biggest advantages of using quizzes as a lead magnet is the ability to personalize the experience for your audience. Unlike a generic eBook, a quiz can provide tailored results based on the user’s answers.

>>>This not only makes the quiz more engaging but also allows you to segment your email list more effectively.<<<

For example, if you run a fitness business, a quiz could categorize respondents into different fitness levels, enabling you to send more targeted emails that resonate with their specific needs.

The title of this quiz might be…

  • “What is the Perfect Fitness Program for You?” or
  • “Which Workout Routine Is Perfect for Your Body Type?” or
  • “What Training Program Suits Your Personality?”


Start Using Quizzes to Grow Your List

If you’re looking to boost your email list and increase conversions, it’s time to consider swapping out your traditional lead magnets for quizzes.

With nearly double the conversion rate and the added benefit of personalization, quizzes offer a fun, interactive way to engage potential customers and encourage them to join your list. Plus, with AI tools making quiz creation easier than ever, there’s no reason not to give it a try.

Test different quizzes, different quiz headlines, and whether to make your quizzes serious, humorous or a combination. Also test asking for the email address up front (this is where we will send your confidential results) or after they finish the quiz (we are tallying your score and will send your results.)

Start experimenting with quizzes on your website and watch as your email list—and your business—grows.