You want to send an email to your list promoting the Super Duper Excalibur Product, but you don’t know what to say.
Here’s an idea: Find the current day of the month on this list, give or take a day. Write something silly / fun / interesting about the holiday, and then in celebration of it, make your irresistible special offer.
For example,
Attention Oreo Buffs – It’s Cookie WAR!!
Did you know that today is National Oreo Cookie Day?
True Story: The sandwich cookie we now know as Oreo was originally invented 4 years earlier by the Sunshine Biscuit Company. Known as Hydrox, the cookie has more chocolate, no unhealthy oils (unlike Oreo), no corn syrup (unlike Oreos) and a better flavor than Oreos.
Hydrox became super popular, attracting the attention of Nabisco who stole the Hydrox concept and substituted in lesser ingredients to make a bigger profit. That’s when the cookie war between Hydrox and Oreo began.
Because of its superior ingredients and flavor, Hydrox was winning the war until the 1950’s, when Oreo told grocery stores that if they carried Hydrox, they would not be allowed to carry ANY Nabisco brands whatsoever.
The Mom and Pop Hydrox struggled after that, winning several lawsuits against Nabisco but getting buried in a pile of legal debt and rulings that were not enforced.
These days if you want to try Hydrox, you’ll have to checkout Amazon.
And if you want to know the easiest way to win against your competitors, no matter how low they might sink, then check out this link…
Because (insert benefits and scarcity).
See how easy that is?
With a few minutes of research and writing, you can fire off an email that captures attention. Just remember to segue into your own product and add your link.
March Daily Holidays and Observances
1 National Peanut Butter Lover’s Day
2 Dr. Seuss’s Birthday
National Read Across America Day
3 World Wildlife Day
World Book Day
4 National Hug a G.I. Day
National Grammar Day
World Obesity Day
Employee Appreciation Day
5 Namesake Day
6 National Dentist’s Day
National Oreo Cookie Day
7 National Cereal Day
8 International Women’s Day
9 National Meatball Day
10 National Women and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day
11 Johnny Appleseed Day
12 Plant a Flower Day
Genealogy Day
13 National K-9 Veterans Day
14 National Pi Day
Learn About Butterflies Day
National Potato Chip Day
15 The Ides of March
16 Freedom of Information Day
National Artichoke Day
National Panda Day
17 St. Patrick’s Day
National Preschool Teachers Appreciation Day
18 National Supreme Sacrifice Day
19 National Poultry Day
20 Equinox Earth Day
First Day of Spring
International Day of Happiness
21 National Teenager Day
International Day of Forests
World Poetry Day
22 World Water Day
First day of Ramadan
23 World Meteorological Day
National Puppy Day
American Diabetes Alert Day
24 World Tuberculosis Day
National Cocktail Day
25 Tolkien Reading Day
International Waffle Day
26 Make Up Your Own Holiday Day
National Spinach Day
27 World Theatre Day
28 Respect Your Cat Day
29 National Mom and Pop Business Owners Day
30 I Am in Control Day
Take a Walk in the Park Day
National Doctors’ Day
31 World Backup Day