If you charge $47 for a product, will you make more than if you charge $27?
Think about it…
It’s not just the price that matters, it’s also the conversion rate.
Category: Internet Marketing
Case Study: $5,000 a Month Selling Older Affiliate Products
In the online marketing world, programs typically are promoted hard for a few days or weeks once they launch.
After that, marketers and affiliates alike tend to move on to the next hot thing.
Is This Weird Psychological Phenomena Keeping You Broke?
Let me ask you a question… “As an online marketer, how much should you earn?”
It’s like asking how long a piece of string is.
New to Marketing? Do Reverse Podcasting for Fast Success
If you’re new to marketing or don’t yet have a large following, starting your own podcast can be an uphill slog that takes months of work before you start to build real traction.
7 Mistakes You’re Making on Your ‘About Me’ Page
A good ‘About Me’ Page doesn’t have to be fancy or complicated. In fact, it just needs to communicate a few key things.
And yet people keep making these same 7 mistakes over and over again on their About Pages.