In online marketing, as in most endeavors, we talk about finding people who are successful and emulating what they do.
For example, you find a sales page that’s converting like gangbusters, so maybe you use the same font, the same style of headline, similar graphics and so forth to sell your product.
Category: Internet Marketing
Add THIS to Your Payment Plan to Increase Sales
I recently considered buying a course from a respected, well-known marketer whom I admire very much.
How a Piece of Cardboard Earns This Guy Millions of Followers
If you had 7.4 million followers on Instagram, as a marketer do you think you could monetize that audience into six figures?
Avoid This Coupon Code Debacle
A few minutes ago I visited a travel website where I was offered 10% off if I subscribed to their email list.
I subscribed, checked my email and there was my 10% coupon code, good until 10 days ago.
Drop EVERYTHING When This Happens
A couple of months ago I was working on this newsletter with the deadline quickly approaching when inspiration hit. I had an idea for a new product.