I’m going to share a few screen shots of what NOT to do on Facebook, based on interactions we’ve had lately.
You already know that you’ve got to build a relationship with another marketer before you ask them to buy your product, promote for you and so forth.
Category: Internet Marketing
Why No One Will Joint Venture with You
You’ve got a great product. In fact, there’s never been another product like yours in the history of the world.
Case Study: $15,000 Cash for Content not Yet Created
Okay, this case study is a little strange because I’m basically going to combine two case studies into one.
That is, I’m going to take the best of each of the two case studies, throw out what didn’t work well and show you how you can maximize your own earnings with your own PLR site.
5 Easy Steps to Buying a Mansion with IM Money
The headline might read like a joke but I’m actually serious.
Case Study: $2500 a Month with No Website
As always, your numbers and results might vary, but here’s what Rainy (not her real name) is achieving with one day of work per week:
She creates a product each week which she then sells to just 25 people at $25 each.