Site migration is any event in which a website undergoes substantial areas of change that can significantly affect search engine visibility, such as changing the site’s location, platform, structure and so forth.
Category: Internet Marketing
The Sneaky Trick to Getting Heavy Hitter Affiliates to Promote Your Products
Let’s say you’ve got a new product out and it’s performing spectacularly. It’s converting at 10% or better, the earnings per click are through the roof, and the upsells are doing fantastic, too.
Is it Okay to Borrow Other People’s Stories for Emails?
I’m pretty sure it is, if you give credit where credit is due. Keep in mind I’m not a lawyer, but I see other marketers use this method all time, as do I.
Check this out…
10 Rules to Achieve Anything You Want in Life
Maybe you feel stuck in a rut, unable to break free.
Maybe you can’t even remember what your dreams are (or were).
Or maybe you’re on the verge of massive success but can’t seem to get over that finish line.
$5,000 a Month Mini-Case Study Using Other People’s Kindle Books
This might seem a big dodgy to some people, but when you think about it, it makes sense.
The instructions on how to do something are often similar, regardless of who is teaching the process.