Testimonials, testimonial headlines and even regular headlines are twice as likely to be read by your prospect if you do this one little thing…
…add quotes.
Category: Internet Marketing
The Statistic That Terrifies Marketers
You’ve probably heard this before…
And ignored it before. Why? Because you didn’t know what to DO about it.
“I Don’t Have Time to Make a Plan!”
Have you ever felt like you were so behind on your work that you didn’t have time to plan?
Planning is like exercising – the more you do it, the better you feel and the more you get done.
Case Study: How to Earn $371,882 Developing and Selling Digital Products, Step by Step
This is loosely based on Neil Patel’s million-dollar formula as shared online. In his formula, he outlines the bare basics of what you would need to do to earn millions of dollars, just as he has.
I’m going to fill in the gaps as I go, staying true to his formula but taking most of the guess work out of the process for you.
10 Page Tweaks that Massively Increase Conversions
Some of these are so commonly known, you’ve probably heard of them before.
But the real question is, are you doing them?