I know there are a million and one social media marketing tactics being touted by the experts.
And I have no doubt that some of them work like gangbusters, too.
But most of them, frankly, don’t.
Category: Internet Marketing
Can Your Product Become a Hot Selling Kindle Book?
It’s disheartening to spend weeks creating the perfect product that people don’t buy. You were sure it would be a hot seller, yet your sales are nowhere to be found.
Now imagine you’re writing a book for Kindle, hoping that Amazon and readers alike will love it enough to make it a bestseller.
Beware of this Subscription Thief
A moment ago I searched for a subscription type of website by name. The first result that popped up wasn’t the site I was looking for, but rather another site called howtocancel.us offering to cancel my membership in the site I was searching for.
How to Repurpose Content for SEO Love
Here’s a quick tip on how to get free traffic from Google simply by tailoring content to specific niches.
Let’s say you wrote an authority piece on how to start a profitable blog. You go through all the steps from finding a niche to making posts and earning money. You work hard on this article and you’re proud of it.
My 7 Favorite Paid Stock Photography Sites
You already know how important images are for your marketing efforts. People pay attention to images, read image captions and are more likely to read your content if it contains compelling pictures.
Images make your content look more professional and help to improve your communication with your audience.