Your prospect does a Google search and sees that highlighted piece of text, partial list, image or video that shows up at the top of the search. When they click on it they’re taken to your website where they read
Author: Alison Crawford
Case Study: $90,000 Lost by Using Fiverr – Here’s What Happened
Reddit user ShogunSpirit4 (we’ll call them SS4) reports they lost $90,000 because of a developer they found on Fiverr. SS4 hired a developer to create a website that could accept payments via QR code or by entering their credit card
9 Webinar Secrets of Million Dollar Earners
Webinars are an awesome way to quickly build email lists and sell expensive products. In fact, many marketers use webinars almost exclusively to build their businesses. Here’s how they do it: 1: Host with a partner Collaborate on a live
7.5 Ways to Revive a Zombie Email List
If your email list is on life support, or worse yet, it seems as if it has no pulse at all, there might still be hope. Here are 7.5 ways to revive an ailing email list and improve engagement. 1:
The Content Strategy that Doubles Subscribers and Sales in 7 Simple Steps
When I finally created and implemented a content strategy in my own business, it far exceeded my expectations and more than doubled the amount of leads and sales I received from my content marketing efforts.