If you’re expecting to see Niagara Falls around the next turn of the road, but instead you see the Grand Canyon, how do you react?
Author: Alison Crawford
Dark and Dangerous Upselling
If you’re in the right sort of niche – such as make money online, investing, selling and others – there is probably a lot of information you don’t actually share with your customers.
For example, let’s say you’re creating a product on how to create and market website plugins. It could be a book, video course or whatever.
How to Turn a $7 Sale into a $1,000 Sale
Here’s something most marketers never do, which is a shame. They’re losing a great deal of money because of it.
What happens when you purchase a $7 ebook or a $19 video, and you have a question? You email the person who sold it, and one of two things occurs… either their assistant answers you or you get ignored.
Trend Surfing for Cash
If you follow the trends, you can make a fortune.
Sell the Ideal and People will Buy
Have you noticed that a rather large percentage of your customers don’t actually USE your products?
You’re selling a viable product that guides your customers to a specific outcome, such as making money or losing weight.
And some of your customer buy just about every product you produce. But… they don’t use your products…