If you’re marketing online, it’s imperative that you master the language of marketing in order to maximize your results.
Author: Alison Crawford
Goal Setting that Actually WORKS
By now I’m sure you’ve learned in life that having a goal isn’t enough. You set a goal, you get all excited, you feel like you’ve already accomplished something, and a week, a month or a year later, you are no closer to the goal than you were before.
What happened?
Is Your Product, Service or Business Memorable?
It’s not enough to have a great product or service – you need that product or service to be memorable and stand out in the prospect’s mind when it comes time to buy.
Where the Money is Hidden
They used to say, “The money is in the list.” And that’s still true. But perhaps the REAL money these days is hidden someplace else. Somewhere you might not be looking…
Case Study: $16,500 a Month Retargeting to Different Niches
If you have a good product that can be repurposed or retargeted to different niches, then you can do this.