Would you like your videos to hit a million views?
Or maybe 10 million or more?
Author: Alison Crawford
11.75 Places to Find Endless Ideas for Hot Selling Courses
Have you ever had trouble coming up with great ideas for profitable, hot selling online courses?
A good course can sell for as little as $10, and as much as thousands of dollars depending on several factors.
Generally, courses sell for $100 to $500.
Men Wanted for Hazardous Journey
Urban legend has it that Ernest Shackleton placed an advertisement in the London Times that garnered 5,000 applications.
That’s not the weird part.
What is strange is that anyone – much less 5,000 people – would answer this December 29, 1913 ad which read:
You’re Dying but You Will Live Forever
The other day I get this piece of advice from a YouTuber.
He says to subtract your age from 90.
Multiply that number by 365.
That’s approximately how many days you have left before you die forever.
15 Ways to Give Away a Free Report to Increase Subscribers
You’ve created a dynamite report or lead magnet that is super helpful and meets your audience’s needs – Yah!!!
And you’ve even got a hot converting offer (or two) embedded inside the lead magnet so that you can start earning right away – Awesome!
Now all you need to do is get the lead magnet in front of people so you can build your list and start making sales.