Information Publishing

Email Sandwiches Equal Big Profits

I’m on a lot of mailing lists simply because if something is working in another niche, there’s a good chance it’s going to work in my niches as well.

Affiliate Marketing

$27,383 From Your Webinar Sign-Up Page

Michael Rozbruch sells a CPA training program for $1500. To get people interested in his product launch for his training program, he used a webinar. 3,000 people signed up for that launch webinar, and here is where it gets interesting…

Growing your business

Do You Know the 7 Web Conversion Goals?

I’m sure you know the first one on this list, but sometimes we lose sight that there is more we can be doing with our visitors than just selling them products.

Internet Marketing

One Simple Change = 93% Increase in Conversions

An e-commerce company selling a deodorant product line was using the headline, “Feel fresh without sweat marks.”
But when they changed their copy to be more action oriented – “Put an end to sweat marks!” – their conversion to the checkout page increased by 93%.