You are the one who will make or break your finances. You are the one who runs your world. You are the one steering your ship – no one else.
We don’t know how long this will last, but it’s an almost sure bet that you have at least 60 days to focus and achieve at least one BIG thing. This could be to add significantly to your bottom line, to produce a hot selling product with a massive launch, to learn a new skill that will pay off in a big way… whatever you want to do, you now have about 2 months to totally focus on it and get it done.
Author: Alison Crawford
Your Enemy’s Enemy is Your Customer
I’m on Vanity Fair’s email list. They send out updates with all their latest posts on politics and the world in general.
Today as I was scrolling through the email, I noticed something interesting at the bottom.
Knot Theory
What is Knot Theory?
Well basically, it is a concept in mathematical topology that can be applied not only to math problems but also problems in computer science and biological or medical research as well as physics.
Well here we find ourselves in 2020. In optometry, 20/20 is the term they use to express the normal visual acuity (clarity and sharpness) measured at a distance of 20 feet. Basically, it means that at a distance of 20 feet you can see objects normally.
7 Strategies to Begin Earning a Real Income Online in 30 Days
Has the pandemic temporarily canceled your job? Here are 7 ways to start building an online income that can be fairly impervious to pandemics, layoffs or anything else the future might throw at you.
Please note: The 30 day timeline is somewhat arbitrary. When done right, some of these can begin generating income is far less than 30 days. Some might take a little longer. And all will depend on your execution. As they say, your results may vary.