Zoom gives you the capability to hold face-to-face meetings, show what’s on your screen to everyone else on the call, pass control from one person to another and record the call as a video.
But did you know Zoom is capable of even more than that?
Here I’ve created a list of 7 things you can do on Zoom to get you started.
Author: Alison Crawford
Pandemic Readers’ Unprecedented Demand
What is it that readers are searching for like crazy right now?
Hint: It’s not toilet paper.
It’s not the latest novel or diet book, either.
Life in Crisis – Done is Better Than Perfect
With the world essentially turned upside down right now, maybe it’s a good time to forget about getting things perfect and instead simply concentrate on getting them done.
Businesses That Are Booming During Covid-19
Here’s a list of businesses that are doing exceptionally well during this pandemic:
Nearly anything and everything healthcare related
Pandemic Positive Reality Check
In the midst of all the dire news, perhaps it’s time for a positive reality check