I love the technology industry, it’s always in motion just like our oceans, and often if you look away for a second, you’ll see that the scene has completely changed, and you may never see the same scene twice.
Author: Alison Crawford
Suffering from Pandemic Blues? Try This
We’re living in one of those movies where a virus threatens humanity, some of the leaders don’t pay attention to the scientists and everything looks hopeless while the protagonists race to save lives and find a cure despite the politicians best efforts to be total idiots.
Podcasting Primer – How to Earn Trust, Scale Intimacy and Profit Part 1
Earning trust on the internet has never been more important than it is today. Without trust, you cannot get followers, subscribers and customers.
Vimeo vs. YouTube – What’s the Difference?
Vimeo is YouTube’s closest competitor, but it’s not a YouTube clone. Because there are very real differences between the two, you might find that Vimeo is sometimes the better choice for your videos.
Prestige – When someone says, “YouTube video,” what do you think of?
The Million Dollar Notebook
I was reading a classic the other day – The One Minute Entrepreneur. This is a distillation of the first couple of chapters, including the very same notebook idea that so many self-made people have used to build their fortunes.