List Building

How to Get 500 BUYERS on Your List Each Month…without selling a thing!

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You’ll need about $50 one time to make this work.

And yes, you’re going to get BUYERS on your email list. The 500 number is arbitrary – work this hard and you could get several thousand buyers on your list each month.

For those who might not be familiar with why you want buyers on your list, think about this…

Someone who simply signs up to get your free lead magnet hasn’t proven they’re willing to spend a plug nickel on anything.

But someone who has made a purchase, laying down their cold hard cash in exchange for a product in your niche, is someone who is HIGHLY LIKELY to make a purchase again. And again, and again, and again.

Some marketers say that one buyer is worth 10 freebie seekers, while others claim the number is far closer to one HUNDRED. In any case, if you can get buyers on your list, you’re going to do just fine in your business.

As far as I know, this method will work in any niche, not just online marketing.

Here’s what you do: Spend your $50 getting an awesome, wicked cool, eye-ball attracting 250 x 350 advertisement made.

This ad has got to appeal to people like crazy, which means you’ll need an extremely enticing offer. If you have to offer them everything but the kitchen sink, do it.

Maybe you’ve got a $1,000 program lying around that doesn’t sell well anymore, or you’re willing to jump on Skype for 15 minutes to consult about your area of expertise.

If you can, appeal to people’s need for approval. “I’ll jump on Skype with you and tell you everything I love about your website, along with anything I see that can make it even better.”

Or maybe you have a membership site you’re willing to give free access to. Just make sure your offer is eye-popping awesome.

Next step: Find people who are announcing their next product launch on WarriorPlus, JVZoo and anyplace else your tribe congregates. Again, this can work in most any niche.

Make an offer to the sellers to GIVE your [product / coaching / membership / whatever] away on their thank you and download pages.

I know what you’re thinking… why will the product seller let me put my ad on their thank you and download pages?

Two reasons. First, new product creators are struggling to come up with great bonuses and find awesome products to put in their member areas. This makes them look good to their buyers and shows their customers they are the person who can get them great deals.

Second, and perhaps even more of a reason why many of them will say yes, is because you will place a product on your backend. For example, if you’re offering free 15 minute Skype sessions, then you can offer an upsell of 3 one hour coaching sessions a month for $199, or whatever.

If you’re giving away access to a paid membership site, you can upsell to a product or an even a more exclusive and higher level membership site.

Offer the marketer 50% commission or a straight lump sum for every sale you make to their customers.

This is FREE money for them, with about 60 seconds of effort (uploading your ad to their download page and membership area.)

And if the product seller is agreeable, you can also give them a bonus blurb to insert on their sales page. Use a catchy headline and 3 to 5 bullet points to sell the prospect on your bonus. Positioned correctly, this can even increase sales for your product seller.

Remember, every single opt-in you get is going to be a BUYER, because to get your bonus they had to purchase the front-end product.

There is at least one well-known marketer who has built his entire list using this method. And this person also happens to be on most leaderboards for new launches.

Coincidence? I don’t think so.